In general, your understanding of how the value of diamonds is formed has already developed – we just need to remind you of the main parameters. The price of these magical stones, enchanting with their shimmering, is partly the result of the skill of the jeweler, but for the rest, it literally depends on luck: to find a clean diamond, apply skillful hands to it, show it in the best light.
The stones, which are more widespread, are also not so cheap, but the reasons are the same: characteristics, or rather their combination. In addition, it is not easy to mine diamonds, the deposits of quality stones are located at a depth of more than 300 meters, and most of them become suitable only for technical needs. There are not many diamonds worth cutting, even for the general market.
Add to this the exceptional strength of diamonds – this is the most durable, therefore, literally eternal stone, the highest rating on the scale of hardness. And against the background of such advantages, the advertising campaign of high-quality, expensive diamonds, carried out on behalf of “De Beers” at the beginning of the last century, did not seem to have influenced the interest in stones.
How to buy a diamond and not be deceived

In fact, in the modern world, the market for the sale of diamonds has grown into a civilized, well-structured process. All gems are accompanied by an official document that has, among other things, legal significance. Diamonds in the wide sale, presented in jewelry stores, depending on their category, have either a store tag or an appraisal certificate from one of the specialized companies. In Russia, reputation is valued no less than in the GIA and is highly respected, including more than one company among foreign partners.
Of course, the GIA specialists have earned the greatest trust, this institution is not commercial and does not focus on the influx or absence of clients, unlike commercial organizations – such companies often overestimate the characteristics of a diamond in order to please the customer.
The most popular and expensive diamonds in the world
The mystery of these incredibly expensive diamonds will never be solved – what drives everyone who buys a stone for twice or more than the starting price of the auction? Probably, It really has the ability to control a person’s will. Let’s not argue, here, for example, Blue – it is magnificent, although not so large, in comparison with other diamonds of the highest category, only 14.62 carats.

The initial cost of this luxurious bluestone was only $ 30 million and was one third lower than the estimated one – just over $ 40 million. This did not prevent from finding a new owner for $ 57.5 million.
We agree: it has the perfect combination of color with the best cut for it, excellent companions have been used.
Not every stone is worth fabulous millions, but many of the stones are of historical value.
The stone is named after its owner. It would be the standard of purity if exhibited in museums. Flawless cut, giving the diamond an unusually soft shine. The family jewel weighs 76.02 carats and was put up for auction for $ 15 million in the initial cost.

The final blow of the hammer fixed the price at $ 21.48 million, and passed into the possession of an anonymous buyer.
There are many more examples – the Pink Starstone sold for $ 71.2 million, Orange (a gold diamond worth $ 36 million), the Princey pink diamond ($ 39.3 million), and other “stars” of the jewelry catwalk. All of them are beautiful and inaccessible, as everything exceptional should be.
Most likely, you have noticed that are not colorless at all of the highest artistic value. But in real life, not in auction life, everything is quite the opposite, and it is white stones that have no color, or at least with an unexpressed shade, are used in jewelry. And they are also beautiful and charming.
A good selection of good quality jewelry is in our catalog. We are pleased to give all buyers an additional 5% discount when buying any jewelry online, and also invite you to join the auctions to reduce the price.
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