Are you already planning your holidays for next year? Very well, this is the right time. You just have to choose the destination and the type of accommodation: are you more of an apartment or hotel type? Clarifying this point will be fundamental for the success of your holidays.
If you are traveling with your family, you will have to take into account, for example, that you will not be able to cook in the hotel and therefore your food budget will have to be revised upwards. Do you always leave with your adorable dog or cat? Perhaps an apartment could be more comfortable for your furry friend, who could suffer in a cramped space like that of a hotel room. We have therefore created this infographic for you that compares the experience of an apartment holiday and that of a hotel,
Food and meals

Do you like to cook and enjoy a good after dinner? In a holiday apartment, you have the opportunity to sit with your friends or family to enjoy your culinary creations made with local products that you bought shortly before at the market
Did you enjoy the visit to the local market but came back with the unsatisfied desire to buy those beautiful products to cook them for yourself? The good news is you have room service; The bad news is that eating will become a strenuous sport in an effort not to stain the bed.
Privacy and freedom

On vacation, do you look for quiet and flexible hours to do what you want without anyone bothering you? The ideal solution then is an apartment. Nobody here will come to bother you at the most unexpected moments and you will feel like you are at home.
Do you hate getting up early on vacation? If you too feel uncomfortable seeing your space invaded by room service at off-peak times, you know the situation well. You may not have to worry about cleaning, but for two nights it’s not that important.
Group activity vs isolation
Are you traveling with family or friends? Then a holiday apartment is the best solution to solve the housing problem. You will have a common space with sofas, tables, and chairs, and at the same time, you will have your room as a place of privacy. It is undoubtedly again in comfort and space.
Are you bothered by the hustle and bustle in hotel corridors? Many times it is due to groups of friends or families staying in different rooms, with the numerous transfers that go with it. The isolation in separate rooms makes hotels not the ideal solution for group travel.
Space and comfort
Do you hate cramped spaces? If, in addition to knowing and appreciating the charm of the much-desired tourist destination, you want a little relaxation between a walk and an outdoor activity, then the ideal is a holiday apartment. If you’re traveling with your beloved pet on multiple occasions, it’s always better to leave them in a house than in a tiny hotel room.

How much importance do you give to rest? In the hotel, a comfortable bed and a TV awaits you with which you can disconnect a little and relax, but that’s about it. Beyond the bed, there is often no further physical space or other possibilities for recreation, with all the negative aspects that the situation entails. We know well that in a hotel room you don’t just go to sleep, but also to rest during the day.
Cheaper to eat at home
Do you know what’s good about having a kitchen in your vacation rental? Not only the pleasure of buying and cooking local products yourself but also of saving on food. Much of our holiday budget ends up in bars and restaurants. Don’t let your pockets suffer from fasting and enjoy the journey without any hardship!
Don’t you sometimes have the feeling that the pleasure of going out for lunch or dinner becomes an obligation on vacation? We all love to eat at the restaurant. The problem is when we have to compulsively do it every day because we are far from home. There is nothing more comfortable than the hotel’s restaurant service, but your pockets don’t think so!
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